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Carrying a Handgun: Why Proficiency Matters

Scott Garcia

June 2, 2022

A lack of handgun proficiency is dangerous!

Proficiency Matters

Handgun owners need to be proficient with their firearms. Not only is proficiency key to safely using your handgun, but it’s also essential for ensuring that you can effectively defend yourself and your loved ones in a self-defense situation. Here are four reasons why proficiency matters when it comes to handguns. 

  1. Safe handling - If you aren’t proficient with your handgun, you may not be able to safely handle it in an emergency situation. This could lead to tragic consequences for anyone nearby.
  2. Accuracy - In order to hit your target without unintended casualties, you need to be proficient with your handgun. You want the bullet to hit (and stop) exactly where you want in that moment of a self defense situation.
  3. Speed - When life or death is on the line you want to be able to quickly engage the threat before they have a chance to injure or kill you.
  4. Consistency - Consistency and efficiency are critical in any self-defense situation. Handgun proficiency allows an individual to quickly and confidently respond to a threat, without having to think about the mechanics of their weapon, the fundamentals of shooting a handgun or how to draw it quickly.

Recently, the gun world has been rocked by a number of mass shootings. As a result, many people are calling for more restrictions on firearms ownership and access. While it's important to have conversations about how to address this issue, we cannot forget that law-abiding citizens who own guns for self-defense also need to be part of the conversation. Those gun owners need to be proficient in order to articulate many reasons why guns are needed.

We hope you’ve seen the importance of proficiency by now. It’s not only essential for safe handling of your firearm, but also for defending yourself and your loved ones in a self-defense situation. If you’re working on becoming proficient with your concealed carry, we want to help you out. Check out our website or reach out to us on social media for more information about training courses and how to get started.

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If you're reading this, there's a good chance that you're interested in taking a handgun course. And if that's the case, then there's also a good chance that you want to get the most out of that training. One way to do that is to take notes! In this article, we'll discuss why you should take notes during a handgun course, and how to go about doing it effectively. So, why take notes during a handgun course? There are a few reasons. First of all, it's a lot of information to take in. A good instructor is going to cover a lot of ground in a single class, and it can be tough to remember everything. Taking notes will help you keep track of what was covered, and will give you a resource to refer back to later. Another reason to take notes is that it allows you to process the information in a different way. When you're listening to an instructor and taking notes, you're forced to really think about what they're saying and how it applies to you. This can help you better understand and remember the material. Finally, taking notes gives you a record of what was covered in the class. This can be valuable for a number of reasons. Maybe you want to review the material before your next class, or maybe you want to refer back to something later on down the road. Whatever the case may be, having a written record of what was covered can be very helpful. So those are a few reasons why you should take notes during a handgun course. But how do you go about doing it effectively? Here are a few tips: First of all, bring a notebook and pen or pencil with you to class. This may seem like an obvious one, but it's worth mentioning. You'll want to have a dedicated notebook for taking class notes, so that you can easily find them later on. I recommend a Rite in the Rain notebook and pen so you do not have to worry about weather conditions. Second, make sure you can hear and see the instructor clearly. This will help you follow along and take accurate notes. If you're having trouble hearing or seeing the instructor, let them know so that they can adjust accordingly. Third, focus on key points and main ideas. Don't try to write down every single thing that the instructor says verbatim - chances are, you won't be able to keep up, and it's not necessary anyway. Just focus on writing down the main points so that you can refer back to them later. Fourth, don't be afraid to ask questions! I can't stress this one enough. If you're confused about something, or if you want clarification on a point, don't hesitate to raise your hand and ask. Not only will this help you understand the material better, but it will also show the instructor that you're engaged and interested in what they're saying. Finally, take your time. Don't feel like you have to rush through taking notes. If you need to pause for a minute to process what was just said, or to write down a particularly important point, that's perfectly fine. The goal is to understand the material and take accurate notes - so go at whatever pace works best for you so long as it doesn't hold up the class. Those are a few tips for taking effective notes during a handgun course. So next time you're in class, put them into practice and see how it goes! And if you have any other tips to share, be sure to leave them in the comments below. Thanks for reading!
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